What is Meaning of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?

4 min readAug 30, 2023


LLP is a type of business association that is easy to keep while giving restricted obligation to proprietors. LLP has been presented in India via Limited Liability Partnership Act. LLP registration online joins upsides of both the Company and Partnership into a solitary type of association and one accomplice isn’t dependable or responsible for another accomplice’s unfortunate behavior or carelessness

Requirements for LLP

  • Least 2 Designated Partners (DP)
  • In any event 1 of the DP will be Indian inhabitant
  • In the event that a body corporate is DP, it needs to name a characteristic individual
  • Chief Identification No. (DIN) must be gotten by 2 accomplices
  • Advanced Signature Certificate of any of the DP

Get your DSC

Computerized Signature Certificate is one more significant report you require while petitioning for your LLP. Numerous records you expect should be documented electronically. They additionally should be agreed upon. Here, comes the part of the advanced mark. You sign these records utilizing your advanced mark. To have a DSC, you can enroll online with us. We can help you in having your own DSC.


After every one of records are acquired you can go for name endorsement. Lastly, document for fuse of LLP registration in India. The records referenced in sync 2 will be required while documenting.

What’s more, the landowner of the enlisted office premises should give:

No Objection Certificate for having the enrolled office on his/her premises and should present his/her character verification and address confirmation.

Name Selection

Unique (ought not be replicated from effectively enrolled organizations).

Simple to recollect

Ought not contain delicate words (can contain however just with consent) like ‘English India’ and ‘Court’.

An LLP based organization should end its name with either ‘ Limited Liability Partnership ‘ or ‘LLP’.

The name ought not be hostile in any way.

Utilization of words like ‘Public’, ‘Focal’, ‘Republic’, ‘Bureaucratic’ and ‘Association’ is denied until and except if the organization has the consent of Central Government or is a piece of it.

The name ought to be unique in relation to existing LLPs even as far as sound and articulation.

The name ought not portray any association with government bodies.

Words like ‘Bank’, ‘Banking’, ‘Shared asset’ and ‘Investment’ without consent isn’t permitted.

The name ought not contain an enlisted brand name without the consent of the proprietor of that specific brand name.

The name ought not be excessively broad and ought to be fairly identified with the administrations or products your organization is giving. This specific factor will help the simple endorsement of your organization’s name.

The name ought not show any sort of association with a National Leader.

System to Form LLP

Stage 1: Obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for the Partners

For acquiring DIN (Director Identification Number or Designated Partner Identification Number) for the Partners of the LLP, a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is required. Hence, a Digital Signature Certificate for the proposed Partner should initially be acquired. The DSC can be acquired inside one day of documenting of the DSC Application with LegalRaasta.

Stage 2: Obtaining Director Identification Number for the Partners

Once, Digital Signatures are acquired for the Partners, application for Director Identification Number (DIN) can be made. Commotion enlistment for the most part happens quickly and in uncommon cases, extra reports should be submitted to the DIN Cell for endorsement of the DIN application. Clamor and DPIN are equivalent and can be utilized conversely. Every individual can have just one DIN.

Stage 3: Obtaining Name Approval

When two DPIN’s are free, application for reservation of name can be made to the MCA. It is significant for the advertisers to remember the LLP Naming Guidelines and propose fitting names for the LLP in the application, to guarantee an expedient endorsement. Once, the application for reservation of name is submitted to the MCA, it will be handled by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in the State of Incorporation.

Stage 4: Filing for Incorporation

When the name endorsement application is acknowledged by the MCA, an LLP name endorsement letter will be given to the proposed Partners. The Partners at that point have 60 days to record the necessary fuse archives and register the LLP. On the off chance that the LLP isn’t shaped inside 60 days of name endorsement letter, the endorsement for a name for the LLP would need to be re-gotten.

While petitioning for the development of LLP, the records showing ownership of the enlisted office would be required. When arranged, the enrolled office related reports alongside the marked endorser’s sheet should be recorded with the MCA for LLP enlistment in India.

On the off chance that the application for LLP Registration is adequate, the Registrar would give the fuse testament. Once, the consolidation testament is given, the LLP will be viewed as enlisted and application for PAN for the LLP can be made. The Partners of the LLP at that point have 30 days’ time to record the Partnership Agreement of the LLP with the MCA. On the off chance that, the LLP Partnership Agreement isn’t recorded inside 30 days, a fine will be appropriate

Advantages of an LLP

  • Restricted responsibility shields the part’s very own resources from the liabilities of the business. LLP’s are a different legitimate element to the individuals.
  • Adaptability. The activity of the association and circulation of benefits is dictated by composed understanding between the individuals. This may take into consideration more prominent adaptability in the administration of the business.
  • The LLP is considered to be a lawful individual. It can purchase, lease, rent, own property, utilize staff, go into contracts, and be considered responsible if fundamental.
  • Corporate possession. LLP’s can delegate two organizations as individuals from the LLP. In an LTD organization in any event one chief should be a genuine individual.
  • Assign and non-assign individuals. You can work the LLP with various degrees of enrollment.
  • Securing the organization name. By enrolling the LLP at Companies House, you keep another organization or organization from enlisting a similar name.




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